When you are selling your property, including a vacant lot, you are responsible for the following items:
No Lien Letters
1. Tax Certification (borough and school district) and unfiled municipal claims. Please allow two weeks for processing all lien letters.
All requests must include the following information:
Property Address
Current Owner’s Name
Potential Buyer
Contact Information for Person with Access to the Property
Parcel Identification Number (Lot & Block)
Number of Units
Payable to: Borough of Bellevue $60
Mail to: Borough of Bellevue
Attn: Code Enforcement Officer
537 Bayne Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15202
2. Delinquent Real Estate Taxes (borough and county only)
Contact Maiello Brungo & Maiello 412-242-9615
3. Garbage Fees, Sewage Fees
Contact Jordan Tax Services 412-835-5243 for details
4. Delinquent Real Estate (school district)
Contact Andrews & Price LLC at 412-243-9700
Your closing company typically handles the ordering and payment of these items. Check with your Realtor to confirm. The seller is ultimately responsible for these items.
5. Allegheny County Department of Court Records for Liens
Storm Water Compliance (Dye Test)
Bellevue Borough does not perform or schedule your dye test. A registered plumber is required to perform the dye test. The plumber you select must be registered and licensed in Allegheny County. If you have any questions regarding your specific property, contact the Code Enforcement Officer (412-766-7453 x2316) at the Borough of Bellevue.
For A Dye Test Form: click here
Fees payable to the Borough of Bellevue:
Storm Water Application $40
Storm Water Compliance Certificate $10
Certificate of Occupancy
To schedule your occupancy inspection contact the Code Enforcement Officer at 412-766-7453 x2316.
Please allow three weeks to schedule and complete the report. Fee includes two (2) inspections only.
For an Application for a Change In Occupancy: click here
Fees payable to the Borough of Bellevue:
Residential $55 per unit
Commercial $100 first unit plus $75 each additional unit
Group Care Facilities, Group Day Care, Group Residence, Hotels, Institutional Facilities, Lodging Houses, Motels, and Nursing Homes $100
If the closing of the property will occur prior to an occupancy inspection, the buyer shall fill out one of the "AS-IS" forms below and have the document notarized.
When closing prior to having all violations corrected as noted on the inspection report, use the "AS-IS" Temporary Occupancy form.
When closing when nobody will occupy the building until an occupancy inspection has taken place, use the "AS-IS" No Occupancy form.
When closing and no occupancy inspection has occurred, use the "AS-IS" 10-day form.
Water Billing
Contact West View Water Authority at 412-931-3500 for final water bill.
Home Refinance or Foreclosures
When Refinancing your home, you are responsible for the following items: Check with your financing company to see that these things are ordered.
No Lien Letters
1. Tax Certification (borough and school district) and unfiled municipal claims.
Please allow two weeks for processing all lien letters.
All requests must include the following information:
Property Address
Owner’s Name
Parcel Identification Number (Lot & Block)
Payable to: Borough of Bellevue $60
Mail to: Borough of Bellevue
Attn: Code Enforcement Officer
537 Bayne Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15202
2. Delinquent Real Estate Taxes (borough and county only)
Contact Maiello Brungo & Maiello 412-242-9615
3. Garbage Fees, Sewage Fees
Contact Jordan Tax Services 412-835-5243 for details
4. Delinquent Real Estate (school district)
Contact Andrews & Price LLC at 412-243-9700
5. Allegheny County Department of Court Records for Liens
Water Billing
Contact West View Water Authority at 412-931-3500 for final water bill.