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Borough of Bellevue Shade Tree Commission


The Bellevue Shade Tree Commission (STC) was created in 2014 by Borough of Bellevue Ordinance 14-02. The Commission serves as a volunteer advisory board to Council and consists of 3 members appointed by Council for specified terms. Its functions are strictly advisory and educational.


The STC works to engage fellow residents in embracing the social, aesthetic, economic, and environmental benefits of trees to the community through education, preservation, restoration, and stewardship. It seeks to educate the public regarding the value and proper care of trees, support the Borough in its tree stewardship efforts, and remain informed, accredited, and active in the future planning of the community forest.

Meeting Schedule


The STC meets on the 3rd Monday of each month (except December) at 7 PM in Council Chambers, Bellevue Borough Municipal Building. Members of the public are invited to attend.  Email the Shade Tree Commission with questions or comments at


Current Members


Andrew Beckas                         Term expires 2024

Scott Heberling                         Term expires 2026

Linda Ryan                                 Term expires 2025



Bellevue STC List of Priority Tasks

Bellevue STC’s List of Recommended Street Trees and Shade Trees Landscaping with Native Plants

Tree Pittsburgh’s Tree Tender’s Handbook (2021)

TreeVitalize Guide for Tree Selection, Management, and Care Pittsburgh Street Tree Management Plan (2015)

PA Bureau of Forestry Native Pollinator Conservation Plan (2022)

Spotted Lanternfly Management for Homeowners

Invasive Plants of Pennsylvania


The STC’s specific functions authorized by Ordinance 14-02 include:


  • Advise Council regarding the preservation, maintenance, planting, and/or removal of shade and street trees in the Borough;

  • Review permits required for the planting, pruning, and removal of street trees and make recommendations to Council regarding issuance of permits;

  • Study the problems and determine the needs of the Borough in connection with its tree planting program;


  • Assist in planting, removing, maintaining, and protecting shade trees on public streets in the Borough;

  • Recognize and assist in the enforcement of procedures in the planting and maintenance of street trees in the Borough.


537 Bayne Avenue

Bellevue, PA 15202


T: 412-766-6164

F: 412-766-5930

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Bellevue Borough

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